Société des professeurs d'histoire du Québec (SPHQ)

The mandate of the SPHQ is to promote all aspects of history teaching in the province of Québec in conjunction with our members as well as the general population. We also provide training and professional development for our members through educational sessions, presentations and research about history teaching in Québec, developing partnerships with other organizations, and any other means of fulfilling our mandate. The SPHQ has been bringing together elementary and secondary teachers, other educators, curriculum consultants, historians, and history and history education students since 1962.
Administrative Council
Our administrative council includes Raymond Bédard, teacher, commission scolaire des Patriotes; Félix Bouvier, educator and historian, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières; Pascal Debien, teacher, commission scolaire de Laval; Laurie Fortin, student, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières; François Garceau, teacher, commission scolaire de l’Énergie; Tommy Jacob, graduate of Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières in secondary history education; Laurent Lamontagne, teacher, commission scolaire de Laval; Josiane Lavallée, historian; Madeleine Vallières, teacher, commission scolaire des Hauts-Bois de l’Outaouais.
Société des professeurs d'histoire du Québec (SPHQ)
1319, chemin de Chambly
Bureau 202
Longueuil, Québec, J4J 3X1
Raymond Bédard, président
(514) 242-1645
Electronic newsletter; the journal Traces, 3 times per year; and proceedings of our annual conference. To join the SPHQ or change your address, see