THEN/HiER is the first pan-Canadian organization devoted to promoting—and improving—history teaching and learning by bringing together the multiple and varied constituencies involved in history education: academic historians; public historians in museums, archives and historic sites; practicing teachers; researchers based in faculties of education; and curriculum policy makers. Our goal is to create more research-informed practice (from kindergarten to graduate school) and more practice-informed research through dialogue among these various communities. Read more about our goals and background or access articles about THEN/HiER.
THEN/HiER Annual Reports 2008-2016
THEN/HiER shares offices with the Centre for the Study of Historical Consciousness in the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. We have collaborated in CSHC projects such as The Historical Thinking Project. Please visit the CSHC’s website.
How to get involved
Register as a member of THEN/HiER to post comments or to contribute a news item, an upcoming event, a video or a podcast. Keep an eye on our events page for related events in your area.
Website Prize
In 2010, Idéeclic won a Summit Emerging Media Award for developing THEN/HiER’s interactive website.
Read the press release.
Stéphane Lévesque (THEN/HiER) accepting the Summit Emerging
Media Award for best Education Website from Director Daniel Rivet, Idéeclic Inc.
Featured Content
New publication! THEN/HiER Executive Board Member Viviane Gosselin and Phaedra Livingstone, museologist, are pleased to announce the publication of Museums and the Past: Constructing Historical Consciousness (UBC Press, 2016), the fifth title in THEN/HiER's book series.
THEN/HiER’s Executive Board includes faculty members and other professionals working in the diverse fields of history education, historical research, public history and museology.
PartnersTHEN/HiER draws from the support several partner organizations in fulfilling its mandate to promote collaboration and knowledge-building in the field of history education in Canada.
Graduate Student CommitteeWho We AreOpportunities
News and Links of Interest