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New Possibilities - Read Review Respond

Posted by Samantha Cutrara
21 March 2012 - 12:18am

Over the next four weeks, three graduate students will be having a blog discussion about Penney Clark's new edited collection New Possibilities for the Past (UBC Press). This exciting collection poses topical questions, explores relevant issues, and ultimately maps the landscape of history education in Canada today. One a week, published on a Wednesday, one of our bloggers will be respond to a question that pushes a response and review in exciting directions.

Next week new blogger Kate Ireland (UNB) will think about whether our conception of history education is “evolving” or whether today’s focus a historical trend once again in vogue. 

The week of April 2, Samantha Cutrara (York) will answer: Are the “new possibilities for the past” something that is unique for Canada or are these “new possibilities” important for our larger, transnational world?

The week of April 9, Cynthia Wallace-Casey (UNB) will interview one author from the collection to think about what the author identifies as a central issue in Canadian history education and how this focus fits with the other themes and issues brought out by other scholars.

During our final week, the three contributors will have a wrap-up, textual “conversation” about the key overall elements they took from the collection and ways they feel they can bring the ideas forward.

Join us for this exciting blog series: read the posts, respond to questions, add your own perspectives, and bring in your own reviews!