Cynthia Wallace-Casey
Faculty of Education, University of New Brunswick

Cynthia Wallace-Casey is a Doctoral candidate in Education at the University of New Brunswick. She also holds a Masters degree (with a Diploma in Material Culture) from the University of New Brunswick. Her masters thesis, entitled “Providential Openings,” was a case study of women weavers in 19th century New Brunswick, which pieced together the (then) unrecognised contribution of female home workers to the economy of rural Queens County. Cynthia has worked in the field of public history and heritage for over twenty years. She commenced her career as curator of a local community museum; has also been curator of collections at Kings Landing Historical Settlement; and was a member of the restoration team for Government House in Fredericton, where she was responsible for the development of interpretation and education programs for this national and provincial historic site. Since 2003, she has been manager of heritage education for Heritage Branch in the Province of New Brunswick. In this role, she works directly with educators and students of the province (both anglophone and francophone). She is deeply involved with heritage fairs. Cynthia’s doctoral research is in the area of self-constructed meaning from the past. She will be investigating the interconnection between community heritage organizations, museums, and classroom instruction in Historical Thinking. Visit Cynthia’s personal blog at: