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Western History Association Conference 2012, Oct 4-7

1 September 2012
Event Date(s): 
4 October 2012 - 7 October 2012

The members of the Western History Association’s Public History Committee, want to alert all public historians to the impending deadline for proposals for the 53rd Annual Conference of the Western History Association to be held in Tucson, Arizona, October 9th through the 12th 2013. The theme of the conference is “Vital Signs: Earth, Power, Lives.” From the call for papers: “The 2013 program committee invites proposals on the theme of checking the 'vital signs,' those indicators of health and illness that societies as well as individuals need. They include such measures of well being as energy supplies and consumption, ecological and cultural diversity, the distribution of wealth and power, the ups and downs of climate, and the resilience of ecosystems and human communities.”