Approaching the Past - Fredericton
A Series Connecting People Teaching History
Approaching the Past is a workshop series in Toronto, Vancouver, and Fredericton organized by THEN/HiER. The goal of the series is to create and strengthen ties between history educators working in a variety of contexts, including middle and high schools, universities (both faculty and graduate students), and museums. Workshops offer the opportunity to connect with colleagues, meet people teaching history in unique and engaging ways, and be challenged to teach history in ways that connect more deeply with our students.
Contact Anne Marie Goodfellow for more information.
Approaching the Past 2015/16

The first Approaching the Past event in New Brunswick took place in Fredericton at the Provincial Archives on Monday, November 2, 2015. The focus of this series is teaching the First and Second World Wars in New Brunswick, and the first discussion centred on using the Lest We Forget Project to craft soldier biographies as entry points into the study of the wars. Speakers Diane MacLeod, James Rowinski, Mark Perry and Alan Sears shared their experiences using soldier bios in the classroom from elementary school to post-secondary. Students from Kennebecasis Valley High School as well as graduates of George Street Middle School spoke about their experiences doing soldier biographies as learners, and how this approach allowed them to find their own entry points as well as explore the experience of war in multiple ways.
The next event, À qui l’histoire? Identité et témoignages francophones dans l’étude des guerres mondiales, took place on Monday, January 25, 2016 at the Musée acadien de l’Université de Moncton and featured speakers Greg Kennedy (Université de Moncton), Jeanne-Mance Cormier (Musée acadien), and Daniel Bourgeois (l’école Mathieu-Marti de Dieppe).
The final Approaching the Past event in New Brunswick took place on March 2, 2016 at the New Brunswick Museum in Saint John. The event, "Understanding the Experience of War Through Drama and Theatre," featured Maryanne Lewell (Saint John High School), Stephen Tobias (Saint John Theatre Company), and Dr. Cheryl Fury (University of New Brunswick).