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Summer Institute in Museum Anthropology (SIMA), Jun 24-Jul 19

1 March 2013
Event Date(s): 
24 June 2013 - 19 July 2013
Washington DC

The Summer Institute in Museum Anthropology (SIMA)seeks to promote broader and more effective use of museum collections in anthropological research by providing a supplement to university training. SIMA is a research training program offered by the Department of Anthropology at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History with major funding from the Cultural Anthropology Program of the National Science Foundation. Working intensively each summer with 12 graduate students interested in museum research, the institute introduces students to the scope of collections and their potential as data; provides training in appropriate methods to collect and analyze museum data; makes participants aware of a range of theoretical issues relating to collections; and positions students to apply their knowledge within their home university. Participants will take part in seminar-based instruction and undertake individual research. Prior experience in material culture research or museum work is not necessary. SIMA 2013 dates will be June 24 – July 19. Graduate students in cultural anthropology and related disciplines and interdisciplinary programs are eligible for consideration. For additional information, please visit the SIMA website.

Suzanne Godby Ingalsbe, program assistant
Smithsonian Institution Summer Institute in Museum Anthropology
Anthropology Department, National Museum of Natural History
