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Summer Institute on Conducting Archival Research, May 20-24

15 January 2013
Event Date(s): 
20 May 2013 - 24 May 2013
Washington DC

George Washington University’s Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies is pleased to announce the 11th annual Summer Institute on Conducting Archival Research (SICAR). This prestigious five-day seminar will be held in Washington, D.C., from 20-24 May, 2013. SICAR trains graduate students from multiple disciplines to maximize their research in archives and includes the following sessions:

• preparing to go to an archive and structuring time once there;
• understanding how archival documents come to be written and deposited in archives;
• tackling the challenges of interpreting archival documents, including issues of culture and foreign language.

Ph.D. students from the US and abroad working on international relations and modern history are encouraged to apply. George Washington University will provide accommodation and meals during the week of the Institute and accepted students may apply for subsidized travel.

Applications should include the form available at, as well as:

1. a two-page proposal indicating how the week-long Summer Institute would be beneficial to your dissertation research,
2. a curriculum vitae,
3. one letter of recommendation from a faculty member in your department.

Applications should be sent to by 15 January, 2013 with the subject line reading “SICAR application.” Recommendation letters may be e-mailed or sent to:

Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies
ATTN: SICAR Application

1957 E Street NW, Suite 412
Washington, DC 20052
Tel: 202-994-6340
Fax: 202-994-5436


Please direct questions to
Visit the website at

Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies
ATTN: SICAR Application

1957 E Street NW, Suite 412
Washington, DC 20052
Tel: 202-994-6340
Fax: 202-994-5436