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Reading Artifacts Summer Institute, Aug 19-23

14 June 2013
Event Date(s): 
19 August 2013 - 23 August 2013

Reading Artifacts Summer Institute
Canada Science and Technology Museum, Ottawa August 19-23, 2013

This week long intensive session held at the Canada Science and Technology Museum introduces participants to the use of artifacts as a documentary source for their research work. Don't just rely on statistics when talking the development of Canada. Learn how to look at the three dimensional objects that provided the underpinnings for that technological development and thereby use those findings to bolster your thesis. Learn to dissect an artifact so it can tell you the sometimes hidden story of its use.

Registration is limited.

For details, please see the following link:

Franz Klingender
Curator,  Agriculture/Conservateur, agriculture Canada Agriculture Museum/Musee de l'agriculture du Canada Building 94, Central Experimental Farm/Edifice 94 La Ferme experimentale centrale P.O. Box 9724 Station T Ottawa, Ontario, K1G 5A3.

Tel: (613) 996-7822
Fax: (613) 947-2374