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Quebec in the 1960s and its openness to the world, May 16

Event Date(s): 
16 May 2013

University of Montreal
May 16, 2013

Dear colleagues,

This is to cordially invite you to attend the conference organized by the GRIQUERE (Inter-university Research Group on Quebec in the 1960s and its relations with the outside) with the theme "Quebec in the 1960s and its openness to the world" which will be held May 16, 2013 at the University of Montreal.

This international conference is multidisciplinary and provides a forum where speakers from Quebec, Canada and Europe on the issue of Quebec's international influence in the 1960s and on the external elements that have marked the progress of Québec during this decade. This symposium will conclude with a roundtable bringing together artisans of the student movement of the 1960s and the Maple Spring will be discussed and analyzed as the continuities and discontinuities between the two movements in discourse and practice.

Registration: $ 10
Welcome to all

Jean Lamarre

Symposium "Quebec in the 1960s and its openness to the world"
University of Montreal
16 May 2013 (local: TBD)

8:30 to 9:00 Welcome and registration, Registration: $ 10 for all except speakers

9:00 to 10:30
First Session: Youth International Student: Reconciliation and ownership
Chair: to be determined

Pudal Bernard, Université Paris Ouest-Nanterre-La Défense.
The sixties in France and Quebec: A field study in full revival since 2008.
Daniel Poitras, PhD, University of Montreal and Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales.
Internationalization of the horizon of expectation and appropriation of French and U.S. references to Quebec student movement in the 1960s.
Kevin Brushett, Royal Military College in Kingston.
Bridging the gap between the two solitudes: Social animation, community development and the Company of Young Canadians, 1965-1975.

Pause-1045 10:30

10:45 to 12:15
Second session: Quebec: Presence abroad and international recognition
Chair: to be determined

Jacques Portes, CNRS and University of Paris.
The Foundation of the General Delegation of Quebec: The birth of a renewed relationship.
Catherine Foisy, University of Edinburgh.
Revisiting the 1960s from the perspective of Quebec missionaries: Towards a new dynamic flow of ideas and practices of social animation Serge Granger, Université de Sherbrooke.
The long march towards the acceptance of diplomatic recognition of Communist China.

12h15-13h30 Lunch

1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Third session: Quebec pacifism, activism and Latin Americanism
Chair: to be determined

Magali Deleuze, Royal Military College in Kingston.
Quebec and the birth of the concept of "Peacekeeping", 1950-1960.
Marcel Martel, York University.
A new threat: The RCMP and the Canadian Francophonie.
Michel Nareau, Royal Military College in Kingston.
Contemporary struggles. The implementation representation of Latin America in Quebec in the 1960s.

3:00 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. Break

3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Roundtable: The avant-garde of the "Maple Spring" in Quebec: Continuity or rupture with the student movement of the 1960s?
participants Pudal Bernad, Jacques Portes, Jean-Philippe Warren, Daniel Latouche, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois.

Jean Lamarre, Ph.D.
Professeur titulaire-Professor
Département d'histoire-History Department Collège militaire royal du Canada-Royal Military College of Canada CP 17000, Succ. Forces, Kingston, K7K 7B4
613-541-6000 Poste 6085
Membre du Griquere (
