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ORGANIZING YOUR COLLECTION: Practical approaches and methods for use in collections storage, Jun 8

Event Date(s): 
8 June 2015
Vancouver, BC


ORGANIZING YOUR COLLECTION:  Practical approaches and methods for use in collections storage


WHEN:                         Monday, June 8, 2015

                                     9:30am to 4pm


WHERE:                      Museum of Anthropology, UBC


Candace Beisel, Collections Technician, MOA, Heidi Swierenga, Conservator, MOA, and Mauray Toutloff, Conservator, MOA, will provide participants with some key considerations that may be used as a guiding framework when planning or upgrading collections storage, including such issues as earthquake mitigation and integrated pest management. Examples of selected storage mounts and housing techniques will be provided as well as an overview of the UBC Museum of Anthropology’s own storage upgrade project. Participants will have the opportunity to fabricate 2- 3 storage mounts during the hands-on session.

The full-day workshop includes lunch and light refreshments.

For details and registration:




Presented by:

BC Museums Association || 675 Belleville Street, Victoria, BC, V8W 9W2

Main: 250-356-5700