Ontario History and Social Sciences Teachers’ Association

This province-wide organization has represented Ontario history and social science teachers for over 35 years. OHASSTA is nationally recognized for the professional development provided to teachers both on the website and at the annual conference where teachers can dialogue with each other from across panels, and across the province. OHASSTA puts out a professional journal, RAPPORT, three times a year which is full of “teacher talk.” Recently, OHASSTA partnered with OHHSSCA and the Critical Thinking Consortium (TC2) to produce a resource for Grade 10 History teachers: Exemplars in Historical Thinking: 20th Century Canada and has hosted three Summer Institutes in Critical Thinking. OHASSTA also has an important role by taking the voice of the classroom teacher to the Ontario Ministry of Education in curriculum discussions and to the Ontario Teachers Federation. The OHASSTA executive is composed of elected volunteers, most of whom are currently teaching full time in classrooms.