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NCSS International Conference in the Kingdom of Morocco, Jun 25-Jul 1

25 February 2013
Event Date(s): 
25 June 2013 - 1 July 2013
Casablanca, Rabat, Fez

Understanding the Near East and the dramatic events of the Arab Spring are important content for today’s social studies classrooms. Whether it is the democratic revolutions in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia or the push for reforms in Morocco, the people of these North African countries have taken a stand for freedom and democracy. This is just the latest chapter in the centuries-old history of human occupation of these lands that stretch back before the Roman Empire.

To help social studies educators get a first-hand understanding of the issues and region, NCSS is collaborating with Maryville University of St. Louis and the Moroccan Center for Civic Education to host “Education for Democracy and the Arab World.” This conference, centered in Fez, Morocco, will include three days of sessions and speakers, featuring Moroccan officials, US Embassy personnel, regional experts, and classroom teachers and students.