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My History Museum, Nov 9-10

Event Date(s): 
9 November 2012 - 10 November 2012

Panel and roundtable discussion

We will be holding a panel discussion, followed by a roundtable on Friday, November 9, 2012, from 7 to 9 p.m., at the Vancouver Public Library, Alice McKay Room, located at 350 West Georgia Street.

First, we’ll treat you to a lively discussion among fascinating panellists with different points of view. We’ll ask them what they would put in their history museum and how they think the museum should reach out to Canadians all across the country. Then we’ll turn the conversation over to you. We want to hear what you would put in your history museum. How can the Museum stay connected with you in the future?

To attend this discussion, please RSVP at Please indicate your language of preference (English or French).

You can also visit us at the Vancouver Flea Market during the Antique Show and Sale on Saturday, November 10, 2012, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., located at 703 Terminal Avenue. You are invited to share your ideas, talk about the events and milestones that tell the Canadian story, propose a Canadian personality that best represents your generation and choose objects that you would include in your history museum.

If you’re unable to come to meet us in person, please visit our website, and fill out our survey. And feel free to share this information with others you think may be interested.

We look forward to meeting you and to hearing your ideas about the content, perspectives and stories you would like to find in your national history museum.

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