Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre

The Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre educates people of all ages and backgrounds about the Holocaust, while sensitizing the public to the universal perils of antisemitism, racism, hate and indifference. The museum has a permanent exhibition that presents life in Jewish communities before, during, and after the Holocaust and which allows visitors to discover artifacts and testimonies of survivors who took up residence in Montreal after World War II. Along with this one-of-a-kind exhibition in Canada are educational, cultural, and commemorative activities offered year round that sensitize the public about human rights and diversity.
The Centre has important educational resources for teachers. Their purpose is to encourage teaching the history of Jewish genocide during World War II and to promote the use of testimonies and primary documents. Kits designed and tested in classrooms that can be used in teaching the Quebec curriculum in elementary and secondary classes (Hana's Suitcase, the Heart from Auschwitz, etc.) can be downloaded from the website. Every two years the Centre organizes a conference inviting educators, historians, and teachers to share their reflections, experiences, and practices related to teaching Holocaust history and human rights.