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Invitation to visit Iron Mountain, Sep 20

Event Date(s): 
20 September 2015
Burnaby, BC

You are invited to tour an Iron Mountain records centre Sunday, September 20, at 11 am.

Tom  Huang, Business Development Executive for Iron Mountain Records & Information Management, has kindly agreed to host our visit.

The visit will include a tour of one of Iron Mountain’s records centres, including a tour of their vault where they protect and store tapes, and a demonstration of Iron Mountain’s Connect software. This is your chance to see what 1,500,000 boxes looks like! This is a unique opportunity as Iron Mountain does not often open their records centre to public tours.

Other details as follows:

Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Please RSVP to

Entry fee: Free

Tour start time: 11 am

Tour duration: 60 minutes

Meeting point: Iron Mountain Records Centre, 8825 Northbrook Court, Burnaby BC, V5J 5J1

Post-tour lunch location: Either White Spot, Boston Pizza or Cactus Club located at the Market Crossing on Marine Drive (we can see what the consensus is the day of the tour)

Housekeeping rules: Prior to coming, each attendee will need to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement. You will receive a copy of the Non-Disclosure Agreement when you RSVP; please print, sign and bring it with you.

Also, please note that no open-toe shoes/sandals are allowed onsite. Please only wear closed-toes shoes, or you will not be able to take part in the tour.

We hope to see you there!

Jill Teasley and Jennifer Yuhasz
AABC Regional Co-Representatives for Greater Vancouver