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International Academic Conference on Holocaust Research, Oct 6-7

30 April 2013
Event Date(s): 
6 October 2013 - 7 October 2013
Toronto, Ontario

International Academic Conference on Holocaust Research
University of Toronto
October 6-7, 2013


Date: October 6-7, 2013
Location: University of Toronto
Sponsors: Chancellor Rose and Ray Wolfe Chair of Holocaust Studies and the Centre for Jewish Studies of the University of Toronto, and the Government of Canada
Context: Coinciding with the meeting of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) [formerly the Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance, and Research (ITF)], an inter-governmental organization established in 1998 and meeting in Toronto under the chairmanship of the Government of Canada.
Language: English

Organized by the Chancellor Rose and Ray Wolfe Chair of Holocaust Studies and the Centre for Jewish Studies at the University of Toronto, and the Government of Canada, this international academic conference will showcase and consider new Holocaust-related research by new scholars in the field. By “new scholars” the organizers have in mind advanced doctoral candidates and those who have received doctoral degrees within the past decade or so, but we will interpret these parameters flexibly. New scholarship might include: comparative studies; topics that draw upon recently released sources; gender, economic and religious and cultural aspects of the Holocaust; local studies that impact wider interpretations; contributions of media and literature to an understanding of the Holocaust; and other innovative and/or interdisciplinary topics.

We plan to assemble researchers who have studied, thought and written about the Holocaust from many different vantage points, in order to engage with one another across disciplinary and national borders. Our Academic Advisory Committee, co-chaired by Professors Doris Bergen and Michael Marrus, includes Professors Alain Goldschlager, Irving Abella, Jennifer Evans, Dorota Glowacka, Amanda Grzyb, Jan Grabowski, John-Paul Himka, Sara Horowitz, Robert Jan van Pelt, and Dr. Naomi Azrieli.

We invite proposals to participate in this meeting.

The sponsors will cover expenses for travel and accommodation for those who will be presenting papers. Our intention is to circulate papers to participants beforehand for commentary and discussion. Presenters will summarize their papers at the meeting and all invitees will participate in critical discussion.

Kindly email your proposals, which should be no more than 300 words, together with a short (max. 2-page) curriculum vitae, to Elizabeth McCann ( before April 30, 2013. Please write “IHRA” in the subject line and attach your proposal and c.v. as a combined file, preferably in pdf format. Applicants will be notified by June 2013. For further information, please contact the conference academic coordinator, Michal Kasprzak (