Goodfellow, Anne Marie
PhD, THEN|HiER Network Manager, University of British Columbia

Anne Marie Goodfellow, former THEN|HiER Network Manager, has a PhD in anthropology from the University of British Columbia. She has managed several projects related to social studies teaching and curriculum, and is the author of a Native language immersion program, Gangananamasa Kwakwaka’wakw (Children of All Kwakwala-speaking People) (Nimpkish Education Board 1991). She also wrote the elementary curriculum First Nations Journeys of Justice (Law Courts Education Society of BC 1994) which won a Justice Achievement Award from the US National Association for Court Management in 1995. Her research interests include early relations between colonists and indigenous people in North America, and the history and consequences of language contact on this continent. She has published a book of archival materials titled Textual Evidence for the Life of Simon Girty, American Revolutionary Turncoat: An Historian’s Guide to the Draper Manuscript Collection of the Wisconsin Historical Society (Edwin Mellen Press 2007), a book based on her dissertation Talking in Context: Language and Identity in Kwakwaka’wakw Society (McGill-Queen’s University Press 2005), and an edited book Speaking of Endangered Languages: Issues in Revitalization (Cambridge Scholars Publishers 2009). She has also produced a documentary film Simon Girty: Crossing Over (2008) and is working on other film projects related to history and anthropology. She has published articles in journals such as BC Studies and American Indian Culture and Research Journal, regularly presents at the annual Stabilizing Indigenous Languages Symposium, and has contributed to a display of language samples at the Musée du Quai Branly in Paris.
Publications Since 2007
Review of The Canadian Rangers: A Living History by P. Whitney Lackenbauer (2013), available on, 2014.
Speaking of Indigenous Languages: Issues in Revitalization (ed.). Newcastle upon Tyne UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009.
Simon Girty: Crossing Over. DVD (producer). Vancouver: Ace in the Hole Productions Inc., 2008.
Textual Evidence of the Life of Simon Girty, American Revolutionary Turncoat: An Historian's Guide to the Draper Manuscript Collection of the Wisconsin Historical Society. Lewiston NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2007.