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Exploring the Evidence: Holocaust, Genocide in Cambodia and Canada's response, Nov 4

Event Date(s): 
4 November 2014
Montréal, Québec

The Montréal Holocaust Memorial Centre is offering a workshop for pre- and in-service teachers using one of the MHMC tools entitled "Exploring the Evidence: Holocaust, Genocide in Cambodia and Canada's response." The workshop will be given in French by Annie Girard, a teacher at the International School of Montreal, and Melanie Roy , a teacher at Rosemont College. Jacqueline Celemencki (MHMC’s Education Coordinator) will host the English workshop with Ashley DeMartini , a PhD student at McGill University.

Workshop Information :

How to approach the complexity of genocide in a class? With "Exploring the Evidence," teachers will have the opportunity to use an educational tool specifically designed to encourage students to think about genocide, human rights and challenges related to the intervention throughout the history of the Holocaust and the Cambodian genocide.

Tuesday, November 4 , 17 H 30-19 H

• Gelber Conference Centre, 5151 Côte –St. -Catherine Metro Côte- St. -Catherine

• RSVP required to 514-345-2605 or (thank you for indicating in which language you want to register)

This professional development opportunity is designed for secondary V teachers of Contemporary World and Ethics and Religious Culture. During this 90-minute workshop - facilitated by experienced educators - participants will explore a number of activities contained within the MHMH tool.

The workshop will provide participants with :

• Strategies to teach about the Holocaust and genocide in Cambodia;

• The time to share their questions and thoughts on teaching sensitive topics such as genocide.

This event is organized as part of the Holocaust Education Series.