Canadian Museums Association

The Canadian Museums Association (CMA) is a national organization for the advancement of the Canadian museum community that unites, represents and serves museums and its workers through professional development programs and conferences; participation in national research projects such as Canadians and Their Pasts; promotion of Canadian museums at the international level; and many other programs and services.
CMA administers Young Canada Works, a program that gives young Canadians an opportunity to gain hands on experience within the heritage, arts and cultural sectors. CMA also offers a number of bursaries (for students, young professionals, and established professionals and their institutions) and each year presents awards to celebrate and encourage excellence within the museum sector.
In addition, CMA publishes a full-colour, bimonthly, bilingual magazine Muse which features national and international news, book reviews, and articles relevant to the arts, culture and heritage sector. CMA uses innovative technologies to communicate with its members including its bilingual website.