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Canadian History and Identity: Marking 200 Years of the Canadian Experience, Nov 23-24

30 April 2012
Event Date(s): 
23 November 2012 - 24 November 2012
Niagara-on-the-lake, Ontario
Primary Contact Name: 
James Ondrick
Contact E-Mail:

Canadian History and Identity: Marking 200 years of the Canadian Experience Annual Conference on the Teaching and Communicating of the History of Canada, November 23-24, 2012, White Oaks Conference Resort and Spa Niagara-on-the-lake, Ontario.


The Association for Canadian Studies and OHASSTA would like to invite proposals for workshop sessions, panel sessions, individual papers and videos for our national history conference marking the Bicentennial of the War of 1812. The conference will be held on November 23-24 in Niagara-on-the-lake, Ontario. The Conference will mark the ninth in the series of national history conferences held by the Association for Canadians Studies, the 2012 conference will be a second collaboration with the Ontario History and Social Science Teachers’ Association (OHASSTA). The conference organizing committee welcomes proposals address issues around the contemporary relevance of historic issues such as the War of 1812. We invite submissions on such topics as the impact of historic conflicts on Canadian identity, history and geography including the development of towns and cities in Canada. Other topics include the social and economic characteristics of Canada during the first two decades of the nineteenth century, the nature and evolution of relations between British, French and Aboriginal peoples in Canada, the historic relationship between Canada and the United States and the challenge for classrooms teaching about conflicts such as the War of 1812. The organizers are seeking proposals from various disciplines and perspectives. The conference will be pertinent to all those interested in issues revolving around the teaching and communicating of Canadian history. Professors, students, teachers, researchers, civil servants, decision makers and members of non-profit and history related organizations will benefit from the conference sessions, as well as the opportunity to meet and hear experts from across Canada. We ask that proposals be no longer than 200 words. Proposals will be evaluated by the Conference steering committee of the Association for Canadian Studies. Individual sessions will be 20 minutes in length and group session will be 75 minutes. Visit our web site at for additional information. Please send proposals by e-mail to James Ondrick, Director of Programs of the Association for Canadian Studies at or call (514) 925-3097. The Deadline for Proposals is April 30, 2012