British Columbia Social Studies Teachers’ Association

The BC Social Studies Teachers’ Association’s primary objectives are to promote the teaching of social studies, to support and improve the teaching of social studies, and to liaise with the Ministry of Education regarding curriculum development and changes.
Each year the BCSSTA holds its annual conference to provide members with a well known keynote speaker, a variety of informative and stimulating workshops, and an opportunity for colleagues to network and share their teaching practices. In addition, the BCSSTA reaches out to new teachers at the BCTF New Teachers’ Conference and at information workshops at various colleges and universities. The benefits of membership include our annual conference; timely curriculum updates and discussion via the listserv; access to classroom resources, ministry updates, professional development opportunities via the listserv and website; and informative and practical classroom tips via our electronic newsletter.
Most importantly, the BCSSTA serves as an advocate for its members on pressing issues such as curriculum revisions and updates, new curriculum subjects, electronic exams, and provincial exams in general. We also encourage and support the development of Local Specialists’ Associations and their role to network and support colleagues within their respective districts.