Association québécoise pour l’enseignement en univers social

L’association québécoise pour l’enseignement en univers social brings together those who teach elementary Social Studies in Québec (Univers social) as well as teachers of secondary History and Citizenship Education, Geography, and The Contemporary World. It includes not only elementary and secondary teachers, but education counsellors, college teachers, academics and students at the university level, and retired members of these professions. It thus fulfils the desire of these different disciplines to fall under the same social studies rubric.
Role of the Association
Our role is to promote the teaching of school subjects within social studies with our members and the general population in Québec. To this end, we hold information and education campaigns, conduct research and reflect on the teaching of these disciplines in Québec, and employ any other useful means to achieve this goal.
The association’s mission also includes working in conjunction with various ministries and organizations in an effort to promote social studies subjects in Québec’s education system. In order to attain this objective, the association continuously supports reflection on ministry programs and policies that involve the social studies, and may collaborate with national or international associations to improve teaching conditions in the area of social studies.
Services Offered
In order to support the professional development of our members, we offer services such as an annual conference, a journal (Enjeux de l’univers social), and a website. The association also keeps its members connected through a monthly electronic bulletin, and organizes an annual contest for elementary and secondary students.
Administrative Board
The board meets four or five times per year to work on various projects. It has 7 members:
President: Lise Proulx
Vice-president, Geography and The Contemporary World: Daniel Rouillard
Vice-president, History and Elementary Citizenship Education: Pierre Beaudoin
Communications and Publications Director: Sylvain Decelles
Treasurer: François Mercier
Secretary: Marie-Ève Thériault
Contact Information:
Association québécoise pour l’enseignement en univers social (AQEUS)
1319, chemin de Chambly
Bureau 202
Longueuil, Québec, J4J 3X1
Bureau 202
Longueuil, Québec, J4J 3X1