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Archeological tour of the Plains of Abraham, Sep 27

Event Date(s): 
27 September 2015

Journées de la culture | Archaeological Tour of the Plains of Abraham
September 21, 2015 – Québec, Quebec – The National Battlefields Commission

The National Battlefields Commission is pleased to invite archeology and history buffs to tour the Plains with an archaeologist on Sunday, September 27 for the 19th annual Journées de la culture weekend. Archeological tour of the Plains of Abraham’s departs at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. from the Plains of Abraham Museum, on a voyage into the park’s military archaeological heritage.

• Commission archaeological consultant Caroline Mercier will be onboard Abraham’s Bus to talk about the principal military sites that have given up their secrets to archaeologists in the last 25 years. The roughly one-and-a-half-hour guided tour will also reveal how the Commission protects the archaeological heritage buried beneath the Plains and shares it with the public.
• A number of sites in the park have been examined by archaeologists in the last 25 years, but there are still more left. The Plains were a strategic location in the city and their use for military purposes began dates back to the French regime. Most of the fortifications built before 1760–1775 lie outside today’s Plains of Abraham. Among the areas still to be investigated, the most important is undoubtedly the temporary citadel. Other sites of interest have also been identified by the Commission using maps, old photographs, and archival documents.
• A dig is just one step in the archaeological process. Many more steps are involved in understanding, conserving, and sharing the materials found. To date, over 200 boxes of artifacts have been collected throughout National Battlefields Park. The Commission must now make sure they are preserved for the long term. Archaeological finds must also be shared with the public, park visitors, and tourists. Traces: Listing to Remnants is an example of just that, and features artifacts uncovered on the blockhouse site, along the tour route, as well as artifacts from Maison Pinguet, a 17th-century house in Des Braves Park. The tour winds up with an invitation to explore this free exhibition.
• A cultural expedition tracking our footsteps through the past. Join us!
• Reservation required, space is limited, in French only: 418-649-6157,

Les Journées de la culture

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Nathalie Allaire Outreach and Media Officer, Communications Division The National Battlefields Commission 418-648-4801,