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100 Years of Loss - The Residential School System in Canada, to Jun 26

Event Date(s): 
5 June 2014 - 26 June 2014
Gatineau, QC


100 Years of Loss - The Residential School System in Canada



In recognition of National Aboriginal History Month, the Canadian Museum of History presents the travelling exhibition 100 Years of Loss – The Residential School System in Canada.

This exhibition uses reproductions of photographs, artwork and primary documents to tell the story of thousands of First Nations, Inuit and Métis children who were removed from their families and institutionalized in residential schools. It emphasizes the present-day effects of the system, focusing on healing and reconciliation.

Special Activities
Also, as part of National Aboriginal History Month, two Residential School Survivors will share their experiences in Survivor Talks (June 9–11), and Aboriginal dancers and singers will perform in Celebrating Aboriginal Heritage (June 19).

June 5 to 26, 2014
Canadian Museum of History

An exhibition developed by the Legacy of Hope Foundation in collaboration with the Aboriginal Healing Foundation and Library and Archives Canada and presented by the Canadian Museum of History.

Photo:  Old Sun Indian Residential School, Gleichen, Alberta, 1945. General Synod Archives, Anglican Church of Canada, P75-103 S7-184.