Institut universitaire de formation des maîtres (Nicole Tutiaux-Guillon)

Nicole Tutiaux Guillon is a professor in educational sciences in history and geography pedagogy at the IUFM Nord Pas de Calais, Université d’Artois, and member of CIREL-THEODILE EA 4354, Université de Lille 3 – Charles De Gaulle, where she is also a junior lecturer. Her field of research is history and geography pedagogy, an area in which she teaches elementary and secondary school teachers. More specifically, her research focuses on ongoing practices and objectives within history and geography education. Since 2006 she has worked on socially relevant issues and in particular on education for sustainable development. She has suggested models for school subjects, as well as done research on history training in terms of the political and intellectual goals of the discipline including issues of identity. She is a member of several committees of French and international academic journals.
Her recent publications include:
2009, direction du dossier « L’histoire scolaire au risque des sociétés en mutation », in Raisons, Comparaisons, Educations, La Revue française d’éducation comparée, n°4 janvier 2009, pp. 5-119.
2009, « Mémoires et histoire scolaire en France : quelques interrogations didactiques », Revue Française de Pédagogie, n°165, octobre-novembre-décembre 2008, pp. 31-42.
2009, « Histoire-géographie et éducation au développement durable, entre modèle disciplinaire et nouvelles exigences », in F. Grumiaux and P. Matagne, Le développement durable sous le regard des sciences et de l’histoire, vol. 1 Éducation et formation, Paris : L’Harmattan, pp. 151-165.
2009, « Conclusion : définir les disciplines, penser les apprentissages », in J.F. Cardin, M.A. Ethier, and A. Meunier, Histoire, musées et éducation à la citoyenneté, Québec : Éditions multi- mondes, pp. 375-381