Imagining Gateways Twitter Feed
Posted by Samantha Cutrara
28 October 2011 - 4:55pm
28 October 2011 - 4:55pm
Did you miss Imagaining Gateways? Here are our live tweets!
Thursday Night:
- Tonight is the first night of "Imagining Gateways" held at the@NS_Archives at 4:30.
- #ImaginingGateways Ben Caplan performing at @NS_Archives - great way to start!
- #ImaginingGateways Lois Yorke introducing us to @NS_Archives 's African Nova Scotia collections
- #ImaginingGateways @NS_Archives 's Hot Topics on their website sound so interesting to explore!
- #ImaginingGateways Archives don't interpret - better than a textbook for teaching and learning! Have fun
- #ImaginingGateways @NS_Archives 's Barry Smith showing us their Helen Creighton collection
- @NS_Archives Barry Smith has a collection of Helen Creighton's artefacts and materials out to talk about storytelling for @thenhierevent.
- #ImaginingGateways @NS_Archives Sound reproduction available in mp3 - who knew?
- #ImaginingGateways @NS_Archives 's Garry Shutlak telling us stories of Adele Hugo and you can also check it out in their Virtual Archives
- #ImaginingGateways @NS_Archives We're going to Pier 21 tomorrow, but we're looking at the archival pictures of Pier 2 and the Olympic
- #ImaginingGateways @NS_Archives have you checked out their virtual exhibit on Halifax's tourism history? Halifax Ocean Playground
- #ImaginingGateways @NS_Archives "Booze Cruise" history... Interesting...
- #ImaginingGateways Why aren't more teachers using the archives?@NS_Archives
- #ImaginingGateways Collaboration leads to more use?
- #ImaginingGateways Does social networking help spread the word about community or archival resources to educators?
- #ImaginingGateways Would a planning Board with history education stakeholders help bring networks together?
- #ImaginingGateways @NS_Archives Flickr page - Have you visited? Would you use it in your teaching?
- #ImaginingGateways @NS_Archives We love archives too!
- Today is a full day of "Imagining Gateways"!
- #ImaginingGateways At Lockview with the Nova Scotia Social Studies Teachers' Association!
- #ImaginingGateways At Lockview with the Nova Scotia Social Studies Teachers' Association
- #ImaginingGateways First session at Lockview - Pier 21's@s_schwinghamer is presenting - I'll be going to that!
- #ImaginingGateways Preparing for our session at Lockview!
- #ImaginingGateways Dr. James Morrison "Your students of today are my students tomorrow "
- #IMAGININGGATEWAYS Dr. James Morrison Teach to appreciate the content they are learning about and to interpret it. The "Why"
- #ImaginingGateways Dr. James Morrison History should be about building connections with others
- #ImaginingGateways Dr. James Morrison Students need to know how to learn. Where and what of sources and how to organize them
- #ImaginingGateways Dr. James Morrison Looking for two kinds of literacy from students : critical and technological
- #ImaginingGateways Jennifer Burke from the Ministry of education
- #IMAGININGGATEWAYS Jennifer Burke quoting Peter Seixas Historical Thinking Benchmarks
- #ImaginingGateways Jennifer Burke from the Ministry demonstrating the historical thinking in the grade 4 curriculum
- #ImaginingGateways Jennifer Burke from the Ministry linking with the@NS_Archives with her students
- #ImaginingGateways Jennifer Burke from the Ministry Importance of learning about evidence. An archive kit in each elementary school-Exciting
- #ImaginingGateways Jennifer Burke from the Ministry It's about collaboration with historians and archivist everyday
- #ImaginingGateways Gary Renouf exemplary history teacher from Brookfield, Nova Scotia
- #ImaginingGateways Gary Renouf was one of the first Canadians on the Juno Beach trip. How do you translate those feelings to students?
- #ImaginingGateways Gary Renouf Taking kids to Europe to learn history - daunting but exciting
- #ImaginingGateways Gary Renouf traveled with historians to Europe to learn history
- #ImaginingGateways Gary Renouf Trips have helped 'cut the red tape' when it comes to getting archival material
- #ImaginingGateways Gary Renouf Uses the metaphor "History is like a jigsaw puzzle" with his students
- #ImaginingGateways Cate Duquette professor at Universite du Quebec
- #ImaginingGateways Cate Duquette The debates in Quebec about historical thinking versus cultural & identity-based teaching. Can both be done
- #ImaginingGateways Cate Duquette Teachers and historians need to have an open conversation, not a debate
- #ImaginingGateways Cate Duquette Are we forgetting students in these debates?
- #ImaginingGateways How can we improve communication and increase dialog?
- #ImaginingGateways Looking at history through varied lenses
- #ImaginingGateways Research is a way to get places of collaboration
- #ImaginingGateways Having at least one assignment where students have to get out in the community and talk and dig
- #ImaginingGateways Oral history can help tap into the disappearing cultural memory of communities
- #ImaginingGateways Bringing in multiple perspectives - can it turn students off? Research says No
- #ImaginingGateways Difference in how history is read forms the basis for many controversial debates
- #ImaginingGateways Students can have a role in preserving and documenting cultural memory
- #ImaginingGateways Students live in a multiple world - they're looking for multiple perspectives
- #ImaginingGateways The political aspects of teaching history
- #IMAGININGGATEWAYS We want to be able to look for stories themselves
- We're moving to Pier 21 for our second event of today's #ImaginingGateways!
- #ImaginingGateways What a great tour at Pier 21! Thanks@s_schwinghamer!
- #ImaginingGateways Dr. Lisa Chilton will now begin her keynote
- #ImaginingGateways Lisa Chilton Making a case for case studies
- #ImaginingGateways Lisa Chilton Case Study: A social history will an individual at the center
- #ImaginingGateways Lisa Chilton Sharing a case study of Jane Hamilton and her immigrant experience
- #ImaginingGateways Lisa Chilton Jane Hamilton an immigrant woman from Ireland to Quebec in 1849
- #ImaginingGateways Lisa Chilton Case Study of Jane Hamilton immediately took up work as a nurse in Quebec when she landed
- #ImaginingGateways Lisa Chilton Case Study of Jane Hamilton, her work at The Quebec Marine and Emigrant Hospital, she worked epidemic years
- #ImaginingGateways Lisa Chilton Commissions of Inquiry into the hospital 1851 & 1852
- #ImaginingGateways Lisa Chilton Case Study of Jane Hamilton developed after reading her witness statements in the hospital inquiry
- #ImaginingGateways Lisa Chilton Case Study of Jane Hamilton - was the focus of a smear campaign in the second inquiry
- #ImaginingGateways Lisa Chilton Case Study of Jane Hamilton Rivalry of Protestant and Catholic ideologies
- #ImaginingGateways Lisa Chilton Case Study of Jane Hamilton, Sex scandals and smear campaigna
- #ImaginingGateways Lisa Chilton Leaving case studies open for her students allowed them a chance to think and interpret on their own
- #ImaginingGateways Lisa Chilton Giving her students a chance to write fiction interpreting the case studies documents
- #ImaginingGateways Time for the draw!
- #ImaginingGateways Panel 2: Learning through narratives of migration
- #ImaginingGateways Susan Haynes - How to learn about narratives of migration outside the classroom? Visit Ross Farm!
- #ImaginingGateways Susan Haynes Using historical thinking skills at the Ross Farm Museum
- #ImaginingGateways Susan Haynes - How can Ross Farm better meet curriculum expectations? The question behind their 'curriculum map'
- #ImaginingGateways Susan Haynes - Ross Farm's online components for those who can't visit
- #ImaginingGateways Susan Haynes - teachers know their students and curriculum - museums know their collections and local history
- #ImaginingGateways @e_tower from Pier 21 is next!
- #ImaginingGateways @e_tower ways of bringing the museum into the classroom and the classroom into the museum
- #ImaginingGateways @e_tower Providing the links between curriculum and visit is important for greater museum visitation
- #ImaginingGateways @e_tower Thinking of stories of cultural artifacts
- #ImaginingGateways @e_tower Authenticity in migration narratives can be challenging for teachers
- #ImaginingGateways @e_tower Museums should be thought of as sites of critical thought
- #ImaginingGateways @e_tower Museums as social and cultural institutions with bridges for collaborative opportunities with teachers
- #ImaginingGateways Andrew Sticking grade 5 teacher and finalist for the GG award
- #ImaginingGateways Andrew Sticking as "poster guy" for Halifax School Board and successful local history investigation
- #ImaginingGateways Andrew Sticking tapping into retired teachers and museums for ideas and critical history investigation ideas
- Thanks for all the retweets. Wish you were here at #ImaginingGateways!
- #ImaginingGateways Andrew Sticking Experience of filming the mini-documentary with his grade 5 class at Pier 21
- #ImaginingGateways Andrew Sticking Multigenerational teaching and connections
- #ImaginingGateways Andrew Sticking his students looked a migration narratives of children coming through Pier 21 to make a mini-documentary
- #ImaginingGateways Rose Fine -Meyer Local histories, archives, and your students
- #ImaginingGateways Rose Fine - Meyer Creating a place for history in schools, not just in the class
- #ImaginingGateways Rose Fine - Meyer You HAVE to collaborate for local history or place-based history
- #ImaginingGateways Winding down here - can't wait to informally chat tomorrow over brunch!