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Wertsch, James V. “Specific Narratives and Schematic Narrative Templates.” In Theorizing Historical Consciousness, edited by Peter Seixas, 49-62. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004.


Based on his research with Russian youth in post-Soviet times, James Wertsch focuses on the narrative organization of historical consciousness in this chapter. In his research, he found that although the youth could not recall the specifics of the national narrative, they were often able to impart the feel of the narrative, which led Wertsch to distinguish between specific narratives and schematic narrative templates. He found that while young people may not know the names and dates of mid-level historical events in specific narratives, they recognized the underlying pattern of the narratives in abstract, generalizable forms. Wetsch emphasizes that these schematic narrative templates should be recognized as a valuable component of historical consciousness and can also be used as a point of historigraphic comparison across generations.
