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Patti, Chris. "Sharing ‘A Big Kettle of Soup’: Compassionate Listening with a Holocaust Survivor." In Beyond Testimony and Trauma: Oral History in the Aftermath of Mass Violence, edited by Steven High, 192-211. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2015.


Patti’s piece examines how one can receive the testimony of a survivor of mass violence using a conversational technique that prioritizes intimate, compassionate sharing and listening. In this chapter, Sal Wainberg, a Holocaust survivor who now lives in Florida, is interviewed by Patti; the experience is expressed using a dialogical format effectively demonstrating that their conversation led to a “forged connection... sense of intimacy… a space of exchange and reflection.” One of the key themes is “Why Do We Tell?” and Patti concludes that it is essential to appreciate the survivor’s “will to experience and express life itself” and for researchers to truly engage in “compassionate listening” with those who “had a lifetime of experience coming to terms with life in the wake of the Holocaust.”

Shannon Leggett