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High, Steven. “Going Beyond the ‘Juicy Quotes Syndrome:’ Living Archives and Reciprocal Research in Oral History." Keynote to the Digital Testimonies Conference at Erasmus University (June 2013)., 2013, 1-19. 


In this article, Steven High discusses several problems facing oral historians regarding how to best produce and re-use evidence that is discovered in oral history projects.  He believes that qualitative research in this field can go beyond the “juicy quotes syndrome” due to “its capacity to furnish contextual detail and to enhance understanding of the salience of contextual diversity in lived experience.”  He explores the question of “voice:” whose voice is utilized and why; how it’s recorded, shared, accessed, and reused (particularly using ground breaking 21st century technology); and how to best collaborate (as a project team, with said community, and with those doing secondary analysis) in an ethical way.

S Leggett