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Christou, Theodore. “Educational History and the Public Good.” Antistatis 1(1) (2010): 1-8.


In this article, Christou discusses the history of education. He states that the discussion surrounding the topic, both by history educators and others, is marginal at best. It is important to discuss our educational pasts, both personal and as a nation. Christou continues by discussing the history of education in Canada and how little has been discussed on the topic in government despite the support of several organizations that deal exclusively with the study of history education. He warns teacher educators that just as they need not agree with all aspects of contemporary education practice, they also do not need to emulate the past when teaching history. Christou concludes the article by stating that teachers are in a state of amnesia. In his opinion, teachers know not who they are or who their influences are. He urges teachers to think of these questions.

Erika Smith