Available from University of Toronto Press - Third Publication in THEN/HiER book series: Becoming a History Teacher

Becoming a History Teacher: Sustaining Practices in Historical Thinking and Knowing, edited by Ruth Sandwell and Amy von Heyking
A revolution in history education is propelling historical thinking and knowing to the forefront of history and social studies education in North America and beyond. Teachers, teacher education programs, schools, and ministries of education across Canada are all among those embracing the idea that knowing history means knowing how to think historically.
Becoming a History Teacher is a collection of thoughtful essays by history teachers, historians, and teacher educators on how to prepare student teachers to think historically and to teach historical thinking. Covering the teacher’s experience before, during, and after formal certification, Becoming a History Teacher contains a wide range of resources for teachers and educators, including information on the latest research in history education and examples of successful history teaching activities.
Read a review by Adam Chapnick. (Available to the public until August 2016.)