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THEN/HiER Publication Award

Pièces jointes

Award Criteria 2015

Book, Article or Dissertation Prize


None of this year's submissions was deemed to be "a landmark publication in history education" as articulated in the criteria, therefore no award was made for 2015.


Congratulations to Vincent Boutonnet, professor at the Université du Québec en Outaouais, who was awarded the 2014 prize for his dissertation, Les ressources didactiques : typologie d’usages en lien avec la méthode historique et l’intervention éducative d’enseignants d’histoire au secondaire, which he completed at the Université de Montréal, 2013 (Marc-André Éthier, supervisor). Boutonnet’s work provides a comprehensive account of teachers’ perceptions and uses of textbooks in the teaching of history. The study is an essential contribution to our understanding of history education in the context of Québec curricular reform.

Read the abstract.


Due to an insufficient number of nominations, no prize was awarded in 2013.


Congratulations to Dr. Maria Neagu for her dissertation completed at the Université Laval in 2011, Conjuguer la nation au passé. Mémoire et identité dans les manuels d’histoire moldaves, 1918-2006 (Jocelyn Létourneau, supervisor). In this well-written and extensively researched study, Dr. Neagu makes a convincing case for studying school textbooks and curriculum documents to better understand the ways in which these official curriculum materials use historical events and figures to shape identity and conceptions of ‘nation’ in the citizenry.

Read a summary of the dissertation.


Congratulations to Dr. Carla Peck, Department of Elementary Education at the University of Alberta, who has been awarded the 2011 THEN/HiER Publication Award for her article, “‘It’s not like [I’m] Chinese and Canadian: I am in between’: Ethnicity and students’ conceptions of historical significance,” published in Theory and Research in Social Education (2010). This article makes a significant contribution to understanding the teaching, learning and assessment of history in Canada.