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Histoire sociale Vol. 46 No. 92

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Histoire sociale/Social history

Volume 46, Number 92, Novembre/November 2013<>

Section thématique : L'Amérique du Nord britannique à l'aune de la mondialisation / Theme section: British North America's Global Age<>

This issue contains:

Introduction: British North America's Global Age <>

Jarett Henderson, Dan Horner

Money and the Changing Nature of Colonial Space in Northern Quebec: Fur Trade Monopolies, the State, and Aboriginal Peoples during the Nineteenth Century Brian Gettler

An examination of the shifting boundaries of monetary space in nineteenth-century Quebec underlines the importance of currency to the processes of colonial expansion and state formation. Read more<>

Un examen des frontières mouvantes de l'espace monétaire au Québec du XIXe siècle souligne l'importance de la devise pour l'expansion coloniale et la formation de l'État. Lire plus<>

A. C. Buchanan and the Megantic Experiment: Promoting British Colonization in Lower Canada <>

J. I. Little<>

Between 1829 and 1832 a British settler colony was established on the northern fringe of Lower Canada's Eastern Townships, in what became known as Megantic county. Read more <>

De 1829 à 1832, une colonie de peuplement britannique a vu le jour au Bas-Canada, en périphérie nord des cantons de l'Est, dans ce qui deviendra le comté de Mégantic. Lire plus <>

Banishment to Bermuda: Gender, Race, Empire, Independence and the Struggle to Abolish Irresponsible Government in Lower Canada <>

Jarett Henderson

This article traces the process by which eight Lower Canadian Patriotes became Bermudian convicts to uncover what their transition from freedom to unfreedom can teach us about the intersection of gender, race, independence, politics, and empire during Lord Durham's tenure as Governor General and High Commissioner of British North America. Read more <>

Cet article retrace l'expatriation aux Bermudes de huit Patriotes du Bas-Canada afin de savoir ce que leur passage de la liberté à la non-liberté peut nous enseigner au sujet de l'intersection du genre, de la race, de l'indépendance, de la politique et de l'empire durant le mandat de Lord Durham à titre de gouverneur général et haut-commissaire de l'Amérique du Nord britannique. Lire plus <>

"If the evil now growing around us be not staid": Montreal and Liverpool Confront the Irish Famine Migration as a Transnational Crisis in Urban Governance <>

Dan Horner

During the summer of 1847, hundreds of thousands of Irish migrants fleeing famine and social upheaval in their native land made their way to the bustling North Atlantic port cities of Montreal and Liverpool. Read more<>

Durant l'été de 1847, des centaines de milliers de migrants irlandais fuyant la famine et la tourmente sociale de leur terre natale ont gagné les villes portuaires grouillantes de vie de l'Atlantique Nord qu'étaient Montréal et Liverpool. Lire plus<>


« Toé, tais-toé! » et la Grande Noirceur duplessiste. Genèse d'un mythistoire <>

Alexandre Turgeon<>

« Toé, tais-toé! » aurait lancé Maurice Duplessis à Antoine Rivard, à l'été 1958. Lire plus<>

"Toé, tais-toé!" Maurice Duplessis is reported to have hurled at Antoine Rivard in the summer of 1958, brusquely ordering him to "shut up." Read more<>

Le mouvement étudiant américain et la contestation dans les années 1960. Incompatibilité et inspiration pour le mouvement étudiant québécois <>

Jean Lamarre<>

Le mouvement étudiant québécois durant les années 1960 s'inscrit dans un mouvement plus large qui a provoqué de grands bouleversements au sein des sociétés occidentales. Lire plus<>

The Quebec student movement of the 1960s formed part of a broader movement that triggered upheaval within Western societies. Read more<>

"We Are Forced to Declare War": Linkages between the 1970 Abortion Caravan and Women's Anti-Vietnam War Activism <>

Shannon Stettner

To date, studies of the Abortion Caravan have addressed it primarily within the context of the growth of women's liberation. Read more<>

Jusqu'à maintenant, les études qui ont été réalisées sur la Caravane de l'avortement l'ont surtout été dans l'optique du mouvement croissant de libération des femmes. Lire plus <>

"Life Together": Public Debates over Human Rights Legislation in Ontario, 1975-1981 <>

Jennifer Tunnicliffe

Between 1975 and 1981, government, activist groups and the larger public took part in a review of Ontario's Human Rights Code, negotiating a new human rights framework for the province. Read more<>

De 1975 à 1981, le gouvernement, des groupes militants et le grand public ont participé à un examen du Code des droits de la personne de l'Ontario, négociant un nouveau cadre des droits de la personne pour la province. Lire plus <>

The Letters, Memories, and "Truths" of Finnish North Americans in Soviet Karelia <>

Samira Saramo

The letters of seven Finnish North American immigrants in Soviet Karelia, written between 1931 and 1942, and those of two correspondents writing retrospectively about their experiences between 1972 and 1997 introduce readers to unique voices from inside Stalin's Russia. Read more<>

Les lettres qu'ont écrites entre 1931 et 1942 sept immigrants nord-américains d'origine finlandaise en Carélie soviétique et celles qu'on rédigées entre 1972 et 1997 deux correspondants se remémorant leurs expériences respectives proposent aux lecteurs un regard unique sur la vie en Russie stalinienne. Lire plus<>

Note de recherche / Research Note

Médecins, médecine et santé en Union soviétique <>

Grégory Dufaud<>

Études critiques / Review Essays

Illustrating Racism: Challenging Canada's Racial Amnesia with Comics <>

Sean Carleton<>

Of Colonial Notaries, Inca Utopias, and Emerging Indigenous Elites: Some Noteworthy Titles in Andean Historiography <>

Shawn England<>

Réplique / Response

Réplique / Response <>

Andrea Geiger<>

Comptes rendus / Book Reviews

Labour at the Lakehead: Ethnicity, Socialism, and Politics, 1900-35 by Michel S. Beaulieu (review) <>

Benjamin Isitt

Héros et héroïnes de la Révolution française by Serge Bianchi (review) <>

Marie-Hélène Guilbault<>

Lotions, Potions, Pills, and Magic: Health Care in Early America by Elaine G. Breslaw (review) <>

Susan Hanket Brandt<>

Disinherited Generations: Our Struggle to Reclaim Treaty Rights for First Nations Women and their Descendants by Nellie Carlson and Kathleen Steinhauer (review) <>

Mary Jane Logan McCallum<>

Fous, ivres ou méchants? Les parents meurtriers au Québec, 1775-1965 by Marie-Aimée Cliche (review) <>

Pascale Quincy-Lefebvre

Ruling by Schooling Quebec: Conquest to Liberal Governmentality - A Historical Sociology by Bruce Curtis (review) <>

Kristina R. Llewellyn<>

French and Indians in the Heart of North America, 1630-1815 ed. by Robert Englebert and Guillaume Teasdale (review) <>

Émilie Pigeon<>

Introduction aux études canadiennes. Histoires, identités, cultures ed. by Geoffrey Ewen and Colin M. Coates (review) <>

Michèle Lacombe<>

Histoire de Montréal et de sa région by Dany Fougères (dir.) (review) <>

Jean-Claude Robert<>

Pour la gloire de Dieu et du Roi. Les récollets en Nouvelle-France aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles by Caroline Galland (review) <>

Elizabeth Rapley<>

Opera and the City: The Politics of Culture in Beijing, 1770-1900 by Andrea S. Goldman (review) <>

Jennifer W. Jay

The Last Plague: Spanish Influenza and the Politics of Public Health in Canada by Mark Osborne Humphries (review) <>

Sarah Glassford<>

Militant Minority: British Columbia Workers and the Rise of a New Left, 1948-1972 by Benjamin Isitt (review) <>

Ian Milligan<>

Papineau, erreur sur la personne by Yvan Lamonde and Jonathan Livernois (review) <>

Françoise Le Jeune<>

Democracy's Angels: The Work of Women Teachers by Kristina Llewellyn (review) <>

Harry Smaller<>

Comedy, Caricature and the Social Order, 1820-50 by Brian Maidment (review) <>

Rosalind Crone<>

L'exode québécois, 1852-1925. Correspondance d'une famille dispersée en Amérique by Mario Mimeault (review) <>

Marcel Martel<>

An Ethic of Mutual Respect: The Covenant Chain and Aboriginal-Crown Relations by Bruce Morito (review) <>

Timothy D. Willig<>

Éditer la Nouvelle-France by Andreas Motsch, and Grégoire Holtz (review) <>

Peter Moogk<>

Race, Ethnicity, and the Cold War: A Global Perspective ed. by Philip Muelenbeck (review) <>

Andrew Burtch<>

Putting the Barn before the House: Women and Family Farming in Early Twentieth-Century New York by Grey Osterud (review) <>

Sarah Carter<>

Telling it to the Judge: Taking Native History to Court by Arthur J. Ray (review) <>

John G. Reid<>

La gloire et la puissance. Histoire de la culture équestre, XVIe-XIXe siècle by Daniel Roche (review) <>

Bertrand Schnerb<>

Sustaining Activism: A Brazilian Women's Movement and a Father-Daughter Collaboration by Jeff Rubin and Emma Sokoloff-Rubin (review) <>

Charmain Levy<>

Louis XIV. Homme et roi by Thierry Sarmant (review) <>

Danny Bertrand<>

Experiences of Poverty in Late Medieval and Early Modern England and France ed. by Anne M. Scott (review) <>

Lori Jones<>

The Nation Made Real: Art and National Identity in Western Europe 1600-1850 by Anthony D. Smith (review) <>

Brigitte Weltman-Aron<>

The Holocaust & Historical Methodology ed. by Dan Stone (review) <>

Scott W. Murray<>

Making Tea, Making Japan: Cultural Nationalism in Practice by Kristin Surak (review) <>

Erik Esselstrom<>

Les chemises bleues. Adrien Arcand, journaliste antisémite canadien-français by Hugues Théorêt (review) <>

David Rajotte<>

Secret Service: Political Policing in Canada from the Fenians to Fortress America by Reg Whitaker, Gregory S. Kealey, and Andrew Parnaby (review) <>

Greg Marquis<>

The Colonization of Mi'kmaw Memory and History, 1794-1928. The King v. Gabriel Sylliboy by William C. Wicken (review) <>

Claude Gélinas<>

Perceptions of a Monarchy without a King: Reactions to Oliver Cromwell's Power by Benjamin Woodford (review) <>

R.C. Richardson<>

Livres reçus / Books Received <>

Index: Volume XLVI (nos 91-92) 2013 <>


Founded in 1968, Histoire sociale - Social History has become a leading publication in socio-historical research. Hs-SH publishes articles, research notes, book reviews and other materials that contribute to social history in Canada and elsewhere. The journal is interested in all types of social phenomena - cultural, political, economic or demographic - without methodological, temporal or geographic restrictions. The journal gives priority to studies that explicitly integrate different subfields of social history and are innovative in sources, method or interpretation.

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