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New website from BCMA: Care and Handling of Your Collections

Theresa Mackay Executive Director, BCMA

The BC Museums Association is excited to announce the launch of a new online library called Care and Handling of Your Collections. Filled with online guides, documents, videos, links and handbooks from Canada and around the world, the library offers a range of resources to help care for and preserve your collections.

In addition to coordinating the resources, five training videos were developed called BC Museums Association presents Your Museum Coach. These videos can either be viewed in the online library by subject area or directly via our YouTube channel found here. (And while you are there, why not subscribe to the channel?)

Not sure how to care for a certain item in your collection? Have a volunteer who needs some background? Need a refresher yourself? Just head to the BC Museums Association Care and Handling of Your Collections Library for some help! 

Our sincere thanks goes to the Department of Canadian Heritage whose funding enabled us to develop this library, the first of many libraries we hope to develop in the future.