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Carla Peck

FINAL CALL for Nominations - AERA Teaching History SIG, 2013 - 2014

Dear all,

Please see the information below. We require a minimum of two nominees per office before our election ballots will be approved by AERA. Please contact me as soon as possible if you are willing to put your name forward (or would like to nominate someone) for either position. Of urgency is a second nominee for the Chair position. These positions are crucial to ensure the Teaching History SIG remains a vibrant and successful SIG within AERA. We have grown a lot in the past few years - let's keep it going!

Chair Responsibilities

The Chair of the SIG is responsible for the general administration of the SIG, for ensuring that the SIG Bylaws are followed, and for acting as liaison between the SIG and AERA and the SIG and the AERA SIG Executive Committee. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee and at the Annual Business Meeting. The Chair shall act as parliamentarian or shall appoint a SIG member to serve in that role for each meeting. The Chair shall appoint ad hoc committees as needed. Unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws, the Chair of the SIG shall appoint persons to assist officers, to chair committees or to carry out other work of the SIG. For more information, please contact the current Chair, Carla Peck (

Program Chair Responsibilities

The Program Chair is responsible for issuing a Call for Proposals for the Annual Meeting, assembling a Reviewer Panel, assigning review responsibilities, monitoring the review process, accepting/rejecting papers, developing the conference program for the Teaching History SIG, and organizing the SIG Business Meeting. For more information, please contact the current Program Chair, Scott Metzger (

If you are interested in putting your name forward, please send an email with the following information to Carla Peck ( no later than November 21st, 2012:

Your name
Your institutional affiliation
A biographical statement outlining your credentials and why you would like to serve as a SIG officer (250 word maximum).