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Browse Member Profiles

Last Namesort icon First Name Institution/Organization Department
Ouellet Katryne Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Owens Cara University of Regina
Paez Ada Archbishop M. C. O'Neill Catholic...
Pageau Laurie Université Laval
Palma Laura EF Education First Canada
palmeiro ricardo University of Deusto
Pana Supanat Chulalongkorn university (Thailand)
papageorgiou john teacher, phd in history didactics
Papanikos Gregory Athens Institute for Education and...
Papazoglou Alexandra OISE/University of Toronto
Pappas Peter Edteck
Paris Evelyn York University: Faculty of Education
Parker Mike New Westminster Secondary School,...
Parker Becky Ontario Agri-Food Education
Parkes Robert University of Newcastle, Australia
Parrott Zachary The Historica-Dominion Institute
Patrick Allie Oxford University
Pauchulo Ana Laura University of Toronto
Paulmont Anne-Laure Museum of Vancouver
Pavlovic Jovana Polytechnic School
Paziresh Abbas Iran Payamnoor University
Peace Thomas Dartmouth College Native American Studies
Pearce Joanna York University
Peck Carla University of Alberta
Pedersen Chris University of British Columbia and West... Curriculum and Pedagogy