A new and unique CANOE KIDS book is now available from GoodMinds.com.
GoodMinds.com specializes in First Nations, Inuit and Métis Books with over 3,000 titles available including picture books, non fiction, secondary, French, languages, art and more.
The CANOE KIDS book is a full-colour publication with the mandate of Exploring Indigenous Cultures through Authentic Indigenous Voices.
CANOE KIDS is a wonderful Learning Resource for children of all ages, Educators, Parents and Families. Each issue is designed for classroom activities, library resource, story telling, reading circles, curriculum support and Aboriginal awareness training.
A complimentary CANOE KIDS ( pdf) for previewing is available below. Please feel free to circulate this message to your associates as you deem appropriate.

The photos and illustrations in this premier edition are amazing!
*This issue features the Anishinaabe Peoples of Manitoulin Island. Manitoulin means spirit island in Anishinaabemowin, the Ojibwe language.
The island remains a sacred place for the Anishinaabe people who call themselves the “People of The Three Fires.” They are known by others as the Ojibwe, Odawa and Potawatomi.
*Also featured is the story of Aaron Carapella and his quest to create the Tribal Nations Map before Europeans arrived.
*There are three editions per year. Each edition features Peoples from a different Nation and is approximately 124 pages (without advertising).
*Each edition of CANOE KIDS follows common story themes and will provide readers with a better understanding of history, culture, art, food and the environment on a nation to nation basis with extraordinary pictures of the lives, land and waters of the featured Peoples.
Canoe Kids Vol. 1 Ojibwe Single Print Version-$19.95
Canoe Kids-Subscription Print Version-3 Volumes-$39.95 annually. Shipping included.
Canoe Kids Vol. 1 Ojibwe Single EPUB Version-$9.95
Canoe Kids Vol. 1 Ojibwe Single PDF Version-$9.95
Canoe Kids- Subscription EPUB Version-3 Volumes-$19.95 annually
Canoe Kids -Subscription PDF Version-3 Volumes-$19.95 annually
*Quotes provided upon request
**Special Offer
Vol. 1 Ojibwe Single Print plus Subscription to Vol 2,3,4 with free Drum Story book-59.90
UPCOMING ISSUES-Haida - Inuit - Inca (Quechua) - Iroquois - Cree - Maori - Blackfoot- Mi’kmaq - Celt - Dakota - Apache - Seminole - Comanche - Ute - Lanape (Delaware)- Shawnee - Mayan - Sami - Shoshone – Pawnee
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