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THEN/HiER members come from a variety of backgrounds with a range of interests in history education. Browse members by professional affiliation, or click on an individual's last name to learn more. You can sort the directory below by last name, first name, institution, or department (click on the directory heading to sort by that column). To browse the member directory by category, select one or more check boxes and click the Search button.

Last Name First Name Institution/Organizationsort icon Department
Phuntsho Karma Royal Education Council, Bhutan
Black Sara Royal Canadian Geographical Society
MacDonald Janet Royal BC Museum
Rollins Megan Royal BC Museum
Haynes Susan Ross Farm Museum
Appel Charlotte Roskilde University, Denmark
alberte lucie rondom
Lepore Ben Riverside Secondary
Bingley Lindsey River Valley School
Nigh Calvin Ridgeway - Crystal Beach High School
Hill Sheila Richmond Museum
Guay Luc retraité de l'Université de...
Mian Clare Retired from Toronto District School...
Jacobsen Larry retired construction consultant
Cruise Paul Retired
kennedy michael retired
Greenberg Paula Retired
Porter Reg retired
Sicotte Denis retired
Horodnyk Judy Renfrew County District School Board
Ast Rick Regina Public Schools
Ellis Tracey Regina Public Schools
Chan May Regina Public Library, Saskatchewan
Sparks Sue Redeemer Christian High School, Ontario
Iacob Mihaela Red River Valley School Division