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Announcing University of Manitoba Digital Collections

Brett Lougheed

I am pleased to announce the launch of UM Digital Collections, the University of Manitoba Libraries' - and University's - digital asset management system.  UM Digital Collections intends to be the University's single access point for rare and unique digital material about the UofM and the province of Manitoba.  It currently features over 75,000 digitized items from the holdings of the Libraries and Archives, including correspondence, photos, books, newspapers, and film.  This material is now freely accessible for browsing, searching, and downloading low- or high-resolution copies.  UM Digital Collections also provides a secure preservation framework whereby all the content is preserved for the long-term.

UofM Libraries Digital Initiatives and Archives staff have been hard at work over the past few months preparing content for inclusion in the system, some of which has never before been made available online, including hundreds of UofM photographs; a complete set of the UofM yearbook, the Brown and Gold; the 1969 UMSU-produced film And No Birds Sing; several collections of photographs pertaining to Manitoba's medical history; and a small collection of 1880s portraits of Winnipeg Indigenous peoples.  A few of our more popular digital collections have also migrated over to UM Digital Collections, including the Hamilton Family séance photos and the Winnipeg Tribune.  New content will be continually added to the site as we continue to migrate digital content from other systems.  Other units on campus will also soon have the opportunity to add their content to the site.

UM Digital Collections is powered by Islandora<> and was jointly developed by discoverygarden<> and Digital Initiatives.

You can access UM Digital Collections at

The site is still a work in progress so if you encounter any problems with it, please let me know so that we may correct them.  We welcome all of your feedback on the site.  Thank you.

Brett Lougheed

Digital Archivist/Curator

University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections 332D Elizabeth Dafoe Library, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N2

Tel: 204-474-8243; Fax: 204-474-7913; Email:<>



