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Browse Member Profiles

Last Name First Namesort icon Institution/Organization Department
Daley Matt UNB Education Program
Webster Matthew UBC
Russell Matthew D'Arcy McGee High School, Western...
ridgeway matthew Ottawa-Carleton District School Board
Warr Matthew University of Ottawa
Morrisey Matthew Sino-Canadian International Program...
Lafortune Maude Université du Québec en Outaouais
Ward Maureen Canadian Museum of Civilization
Chan May Regina Public Library, Saskatchewan
Friedrick Meaghan Sun West School Division
Hove Mediel Doctoral student at the Durban...
Van De Woestyne Megan University of Regina
Davies Megan York University
Seymour Megan University of New Brunswick
Webber Megan University of Guelph Tri-University Graduate Program in History
Rollins Megan Royal BC Museum
Mitton Meghan University of New Brunswick
Hagedorn Meghan Trent University
campbell Mel St. John's Ravenscourt School
Lanouette Mélanie Musée de la civilisation
Lemire Mélanie Société historique de la Saskatchewan
Feliciano Melanie Trent University School of Education
Otis Melissa Ontario Institute for Studies in...
Schrader Melissa OISE University of Toronto
Jarratt Melynda New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame