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Browse Member Profiles

Last Name First Name Institution/Organization Departmentsort icon
Purvey Diane Thompson Rivers University
Keppleman Joan Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board
McQuaid Sean Black History Theatre Project
Hedler Betsy Ohio Historical Society
Bouzide Dann Windsor Historical Society, Ontario
Parker Mike New Westminster Secondary School,...
Mauti Jonathan Faculty of Education, York University
Rowney Wendy Black Creek Pioneer Village, Ontario
Vaisle Anita Académie de la Culture de Lettonie
Drew Natasha UBC Okanagan
Kendall Angela Rutland Senior Secondary, British...
Bouchard Blake University of Northern British Columbia
Paulmont Anne-Laure Museum of Vancouver
Thompson Rachel CUNY/Graduate Center
Lougheed Jane Museum of Vancouver
Shepard M UBC
King Social Worker University of Toronto
Donaldson Caitlin Museum of Vancouver
Nussbaum Ian McGraw-Hill Ryerson
Sittrop Amanda Museum of Vancouver
Nichols Wendy Museum of Vancouver
Steele Shannon Museum of Vancouver
Longmuir Catrina Independent Documentary Filmmaker/...
Simpson Moira University of British Columbia
Brown Yvonne Harriet Tubman Institute for Research...