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Browse Member Profiles

Last Name First Namesort icon Institution/Organization Department
Spiegel Jody Azrieli Foundation
Lester Joe University of Reading
Ralph Joel Canada's History
Piper John York Region District School Board,...
Thompson John Kildonan-East Collegiate, Winnipeg,...
Gordon John York Region District School Board,...
Lutz John University of Victoria
Dowd John Purdue University
Price John University of Victoria
Allison John Schulich School of Education, Nipissing...
Myers John OISE
Gilinsky John HISTORY in process
papageorgiou john teacher, phd in history didactics
singh john lala land
adam john kbs training
Kertson John University of New Brunswick
Ward John University of Birmingham Training School
Moyer John Trent University School of Education & Professional Learning
O'Flynn John St. Pius X Elementary School
Edgar John University of Cambridge
Ikeri John Kelechi Linkoping University Sweden
Faucher Jolaine ESDS, Université Sherbrooke
Anderson Jolene Queen's University
Bradley Jon Education/McGill University
Mauti Jonathan Faculty of Education, York University