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Browse Member Profiles

Last Name First Name Institution/Organizationsort icon Department
Gaudet Adrian University of New Brunswick
Rich-Joncas Chantal University of New Brunswick
Thompson Samantha University of New Brunswick
Austin Danielle University of New Brunswick
Cleghorn Jonathan University of New Brunswick
Slade Ryan University of New Brunswick
Gallant Robert University of New Brunswick
Swain Lucas University of New Brunswick
Greene Amanda University of New Brunswick
Estey Jennifer University of New Brnswick
Lopez William University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Egea Alejandro University of Murcia
De Giorgi Fulvio University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Department of education
Gould Roxanne University of Minnesota-Duluth
Bain Bob University of Michigan
pinchen-hogg felicia University of Melbourne
Retz Tyson University of Melbourne
Spain Stephen University of Melbourne
Lobb Harriet University of Melbourne
Smithers Patrick University of Melbourne
Stephens Georgina University of Maryland
Williams Katie University of Manitoba/University of...
atleo Marlene University of Manitoba
Hodge Karen University of Manitoba
Doan Laura University of Manchester