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Browse Member Profiles

Last Name First Name Institution/Organizationsort icon Department
holthuis paul University of Groningen University Centre for Learning and Teaching
Webber Megan University of Guelph Tri-University Graduate Program in History
Brett Denny University of Guelph
Hopkins Marjorie University of Guelph
McIsaac Jacqueline University of Guelph
Nurse Jodey University of Guelph
Klages Gregory University of Guelph-Humber
Peralta Christine University of Illinois
Richards Kim University of Illinois at Chicago
apostolidou eleni University of Ioannina
Godsell Sarah University of Johannesburg
Morgan Kathy University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Rumsey Brian University of Kansas
khawula sabelo University of KwaZulu-Natal
von Heyking Amy University of Lethbridge
lauscher cody university of lethbridge
Fowler Leah University of Lethbridge
Gouw Taylor University of Lethbridge
Lobbes Tessa University of Leuven, Belgium
Doan Laura University of Manchester
White Finnian University of Manchester
atleo Marlene University of Manitoba
Hodge Karen University of Manitoba
Williams Katie University of Manitoba/University of...
Stephens Georgina University of Maryland