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THEN/HiER members come from a variety of backgrounds with a range of interests in history education. Browse members by professional affiliation, or click on an individual's last name to learn more. You can sort the directory below by last name, first name, institution, or department (click on the directory heading to sort by that column). To browse the member directory by category, select one or more check boxes and click the Search button.

Last Name First Name Institution/Organization Departmentsort icon
Brown Tad University of Georgia
Black Sara Royal Canadian Geographical Society
McIsaac Jacqueline University of Guelph
Darbyson Nicki Virtual High School, Bayfield Ontario
Donnelly Debra University of Newcastle, Australia
Nurse Jodey University of Guelph
Hauser Jason Mississippi State University
McCutcheon Jo University of Ottawa/History to...
Stouraitis Elias National and Kapodistrian University of...
Gal Andrea M. Wilfrid Laurier University
Clemis David Mount Royal University
Noble Tom Teach For America
King Sarah University of New Brunswick
Arseneau Jesika University of Western Ontario
Lopez William University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Jacobsen Larry retired construction consultant
Edwards Karen City of Toronto Museum Services
Herriot Lindsay University of Alberta
Sebbowa Dorothy Makerere University, Kampala
Munn Bill Queen's University
McMahon Allison Department of History, Simon Fraser...
O'Toole Benjamin University of New Brunswick
Hiscock Weston University of New Brunswick
Senaga Karen Mississippi State University
macfarlane richard University of New Brunswick