Browse Members
THEN/HiER members come from a variety of backgrounds with a range of interests in history education. Browse members by professional affiliation, or click on an individual's last name to learn more. You can sort the directory below by last name, first name, institution, or department (click on the directory heading to sort by that column). To browse the member directory by category, select one or more check boxes and click the Search button.
Last Name![]() |
First Name | Institution/Organization | Department |
MacLean | Brian | Fort York National Historic Site | |
MacLellan | Stephanie | University of New Brunswick | |
MacMillan | Mikayla | Trent University | |
MacPherson | Ashley | The Canadian Museum of Immigration at... | |
MacPherson | Nicole | Queens University | |
MacPherson | Glen | Sunshine Coast School District | |
macquarrie | ash | University of Aberdeen | |
MacSorley | Willow | University of New Brunswick | |
Magney | Aaron | Harbord CI | |
Mahmoud | Hagger | Monash University, Australia | |
Maley | Andrea | Vancouver School Board | |
maman | ade | school of postgraduate, Indonesia... | |
Marlin | Lily | University of Canberra | |
Marshall | Blair | University of Toronto - OISE | |
martin | kristy | Ideeclic | |
Martin Ellwood | Alice | Ontario Institute for Studies in... | |
Martin-Keilty | Lise | George Street Middle School | |
Martinello | Ron | St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School | |
Martinez | Francesca | École des hautes études en sciences... | |
Masteson | Cathy | City of Hamilton, Ontario | |
Mattys | Sean | Western University | |
Maurice | Jean-François | Lower Canada College | |
Mauti | Jonathan | Faculty of Education, York University | |
mavis | osamede | dr who travels and tour | |
Maxwell | Judy Lam | Chinese Canadian Military Museum... |