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THEN/HiER members come from a variety of backgrounds with a range of interests in history education. Browse members by professional affiliation, or click on an individual's last name to learn more. You can sort the directory below by last name, first name, institution, or department (click on the directory heading to sort by that column). To browse the member directory by category, select one or more check boxes and click the Search button.

Last Name First Namesort icon Institution/Organization Department
Bain Bob University of Michigan
Bouchard Blake University of Northern British Columbia
Seward Blake Cleghorn Battlefield Tour
Marshall Blair University of Toronto - OISE
Wilson Bill University of New Brunswick
Munn Bill Queen's University
Hansen Bill Wisconsin Dept. of Corrections
Baum Bill Chinook High School
Behan Beverly Ann 1812 Books, LLC
Cox Beverly Black Loyalist Heritage Society, Nova...
Hedler Betsy Ohio Historical Society
Doiron Bethany PEI Dept of Education & Early...
Critoph Beth WNED Buffalo/Toronto Education & Outreach
Douglas Bernie Agincourt Collegiate Institute, Ontario
Rubinstein Bernie Ontario Institute for Studies in...
Aye Bernice Ontario College of Teachers
Groberman Benjamin The University of British Columbia
O'Toole Benjamin University of New Brunswick
Lepore Ben Riverside Secondary
Parker Becky Ontario Agri-Food Education
Richard Béatrice Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean
Mees Barry Other
Hillman Barb Department of Education and Early...
Corbett Barb Connaught Street School
Cook B LV. Rogers Secondary, British Columbai