Browse Members
THEN/HiER members come from a variety of backgrounds with a range of interests in history education. Browse members by professional affiliation, or click on an individual's last name to learn more. You can sort the directory below by last name, first name, institution, or department (click on the directory heading to sort by that column). To browse the member directory by category, select one or more check boxes and click the Search button.
Last Name |
First Name![]() |
Institution/Organization | Department |
St. George | @Adellle | Trent University (Student) | |
Magney | Aaron | Harbord CI | |
Harper | Aaron | University of New Bunswick | |
Stout | Aaron | Lethbridge Collegiate Institute | |
Paziresh | Abbas | Iran Payamnoor University | |
agdal | abdel | enseignement | |
sebbah | Abdellah | 1996 | |
Siby | Abdoulaye | Ideeclic | |
Liberatori | Abril | York University | |
Paez | Ada | Archbishop M. C. O'Neill Catholic... | |
Crymble | Adam | Network in Canadian History &... | |
Woelders | Adam | Pacific Academy/Trinity Western... | |
Conacher | Adam | University of Ottawa | |
blacklock | adam | Trent University | |
Goldberg | Adara | Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre | |
maman | ade | school of postgraduate, Indonesia... | |
Nye | Adele | University of New England | Contextual Studies in Education |
Gaudet | Adrian | University of New Brunswick | |
Alexandropoulou | Aggeliki | University of Patras | |
Salah | Aicha | University of New Brunswick | |
Benimmas | Aïcha | Université de Moncton | Enseignement au secondaire et ressources humaines |
Greenaway | Aimee | Nanaimo Museum | |
Onabowale | Akayla | Trent University | |
Cornes | Al | BC Labour Heritage Centre | |
Fréchette | Alain | Musée Stewart | Action éducative et culturelle / Education and Cultural Programs |