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Museums Association of Saskatchewan Annual Conference: Re-forming the Museum, May 22-24

Date limite: 
20 décembre

Date(s) de l’évènement: 
22 mai 2014 - 24 mai 2014
Swift Current, Saskatchewan

MAS AGM & Conference 2014 - Call for Proposals

The Museums Association of Saskatchewan (MAS) invites you to make a presentation at the Swift Current Palliser Pavilion for our annual conference and AGM taking place May 22-24, 2014. As our communities change, the role of the museum within the community is changing too.

Changes are occurring within Saskatchewan and nationwide that effect how museums are operating – changes that include:
    •    Demographic shifts;
    •    Differing volunteer expectations;
    •    Expansion of partnership opportunities;
    •    The need for succession planning in boards, staff, as well as volunteers;  

We want to know how your museum or organization is ensuring its relevance by addressing the constant change in the makeup of your local community. MAS is encouraging cultural institutions of all sizes to share their experiences and ideas relating to new ways of engaging with their changing communities.  Two concurrent streams of sessions are planned: one for smaller, volunteer-based institutions, and one geared towards larger institutions with paid staff.
Your proposal should include a title, the name and contact information of presenter(s), and a summary of the presentation. Presentations can be done in groups or alone. Student submissions are welcome.
If presenting, MAS will waive the conference registration fee and provide mileage assistance.
Please submit an expression of interested by December 20, 2013
MAS will review submissions and confirm with presenters mid January 2014.

There are also a variety of funding opportunities to help you attend this year's conference.
For general inquires contact:
Wendy Fitch
Executive Director
Museums Association of Saskatchewan